American Goldfinch on Beebalm [Cathie Bird Photo]
Cathie Bird
I am a lifelong explorer of my own inner spaces and the physical Earth environments in which I’ve lived.
In my mid-twenties, I began to remember, through my own experiences, that there are many of dimensions of life beyond the reach of human physical senses. I became a seeker and explorer of those spaces as well, and there found the truth that I am primarily a spiritual being incarnated in a physical body — as we all are!
Now, I’m in my seventies and still on my path, still filled with awe, wonder and curiosity about these times we’re in. Last year I answered my heart’s call to new adventures in CoRelation and CoCreation — with Spirit, with you, with all life on this planet that wants to be along — to manifest a New Earth.
I live in a “holler” in the Cumberland Mountains of east Tennessee, near two headwater streams of the Cumberland River.
I write about life here in the Holler, animals (especially birds), plants (especially Southern Appalachian wildflowers), ecosystems, the elements, collective healing and transformation. I love to interact with Nature “through the lens” and share the images that we CoCreate.