[Editor's note: I originally published this series of posts on another blog. I am reposting them to this Interdimensional Intersections page because they more closely relate to content of this blog. If you would prefer a PDF version, you can download one at Dropbox here.]
Close Encounters (1)
I recently finished a review of 30-plus years of personal journals. I had several projects in mind for doing this, one of which was to mark entries related to contacts with visitors from other planets. After finding them all, I planned to submit reports of the most significant physical sightings to the National UFO Reporting Center. This part of the project is now complete, and I have posted links to each report I've submitted at the end of this post.
To date, I have had eight physical sightings of what I believe to be extraterrestrial spacecraft. It was a fascinating project to bring them all together in one document, and to consider the evolution of these experiences as suggested by my journal entries. I intended only to list the physical sightings and maybe say a little about them here in the R-r-r-ibbit, and to encourage anyone who has had their own close encounters to report them to NUFORC.
Reporting phenomena is as much an activity of citizen science as observing phenophases, recording bird sightings, or photographing insects found in one's backyard. For every object I saw that I now believe to be unexplainable (if not extraterrestrial), I probably saw fifty others that were explainable: comets, satellites, stars, conventional aircraft of one kind or another and so on.
If you have not seen unidentifiable flying objects, it's still interesting to check out the NUFORC database and read a few of the reports. You can choose to view the most recent events, or look at lists indexed by date of the event, state, shape of the UFO or date posted. On the home page, the NUFORC staff will often list notable recent sightings, or groups of sightings that have common histories. In the sidebar you can look at reports in special categories (e.g., Directors Picks, Case Briefs, NUFORC videos).
I have had many other encounters with extraterrestrial spacecraft or space beings in dreams and meditations. Now that I've reviewed them, I'm thinking I may share some of these in R-r-r-ibbit posts. At the moment I'm still in the process of integrating these older experiences with more recent ones and contemplating the bigger pictures and narratives that continue to unfold.
But, for now, here are the links to my reports of physical sightings at NUFORC:
A bright, fast moving light is chased by a military fighter jet.
3 slow moving disks over south Boulder
Bright white light moves in U-pattern then fades out
A bright white light flashes 10 times
White light moves west to east, suddenly stops, then moves south at a high rate of speed.
Large oval object with white glowing lights moves slowly above the car
Triangle-shaped craft hovers silently over the Pecos River.
Sun-sized light after midnight
The holler's seismic neighborhood (2)
I have an idea to write something about my interest in earth changes (generally) and earthquakes (specifically), and how that all came about. I started to do this at the end of January this year when some USGS seismologists published their study in Science on continued earthquake activity in the New Madrid Seismic Zone.
Once I got going on this project, it became clear that I was trying to cram too much into the first post, so, to start off, I'll just do more of an introduction, and share some of the recent USGS info. The New Madrid fault is part of the holler's seismic neighborhood, as I see it -- it's the closest, largest, most active and historically significant one as far as I know.
Starting with this USGS isoseismal map, I added the approximate location of the holler in relation to the epicenter and intensity zones.
When I moved to Tennessee in the fall of 2000, I took the most direct route between Grants, New Mexico to Knoxville along Interstate 40, which of course took me through the heart of the New Madrid Seismic Zone. I already knew much of the history of the 1811-1812 earthquakes, but mind-boggled as I was by details and logistics of the move itself, I hadn't really thought much about it. Checking maps often along the route, however, I couldn't help but notice references to natural features associated with the New Madrid quakes as I crossed into Tennessee -- like Reelfoot Lake, for example.
The USGS has a portal page for all kinds of scientific and historical data on the New Madrid earthquakes. I found the old photos and eyewitness accounts especially interesting.
Frog Pond Holler has more local seismic connections as well. The landforms of the Elk Valley area of Campbell County owe their appearance to movements along fractures in the Earth's crust long ago. The holler is in the same block, so to speak, as "the high-angle Terry Creek fault, which strikes N. 40o W. from the junction of the Pine Mountain and Jacksboro fault zones."1
Base map and caption source for this slide: USGS Professional Paper 572, p. 2 (1968)
My interest in earthquakes took a quantum leap following a dream I had in 1976. My proximity to the New Madrid Seismic Zone and the geologic history of the place on Earth that I call home has kept that interest very much alive.
In my next post, I'll share the dream and the experiences that began to unfold after that.
1 Geology and Coal Resources of the Elk Valley Area, USGS Professional Paper 572, p.1
Original URL: http://tennesseehawk.typepad.com/hawks_peace_journal/2014/02/the-hollers-seismic-neighborhood.html
My seismic awakening to plate tectonics (3)
On September 25, 1976, I dreamed that I was working with other people to help move large sections of the Earth’s crust and to reduce large pieces of rock at plate boundaries into smaller pieces to facilitate a less violent shifting of the plates. The emotional texture of the experience was calm and matter of fact. Even though there was some sense of urgency or need to get this done, no one acted as if it was dangerous or unusual to be where we were, doing what we were doing. When I woke up, the phrase “plate tectonics” was on my mind and kept repeating with enough frequency and intensity that I was compelled to do some further research.
At the time, all I had was an old geology textbook and a newer earth sciences encyclopedia (this happened long before I had a computer or Internet access!) from which I copied some of the entry on Plate Tectonics into my dream journal for future reference: -- A branch of earth science dealing with the formation, destruction and motion of segmental sections of earth’s crust called ‘plates’. This includes aspects of seismic activity and mountain building.
The layer of the Earth we live on is broken into a dozen or so rigid slabs (called tectonic plates by geologists) that are moving relative to one another. [Image and caption credit: USGS]
Plate tectonics as a discipline was pretty much being born in the mid-sixties. By 1976 when I had the dream, much more was known but it was still a relatively new idea. Not long after the dream, I came across a textbook, Plate Tectonics and Geomagnetic Reversals, by Alan Cox published just three years earlier. Cox (1973) writes in the Introduction that “The earth sciences are currently in an intellectual ferment as a result of recent advances in the study of magnetic reversals, sea-floor spreading, and plate tectonics.” (p.2)
He notes that in the century following the work of Charles Darwin, the earth sciences were characterized by specialization and divergence in which paleontologists, seismologists, geomagnetists, geologists and marine geophysicists got better at what they were doing but had less and less to say to one another. (p.2)
This trend was reversed, says Cox, when a series of articles written between 1962 and 1968 brought many of these main “threads of geologic research” together to “form the fabric of plate tectonics.” It would have been during this period of consilience that I first heard brief mention of the emerging science of plate tectonics as a freshman in geology 101 at Ohio State. I can still remember absorbing some excitement about it from the professor. With the dream, the interest that had apparently smoldered more than ten years found some air and again caught fire.
One of my research sources before I had a computer was the USGS office at the Denver Federal Center. There I explored photos from historical earthquake data, such as this one of Quake Lake: The Madison Canyon landslide near Yellowstone Park. This landslide occurred after the Hebgen lake earthquake (Richter Scale Magnitude = 7.5) in Montana, in 1959. The earthquake caused a great slide of rock, soil, and trees to fall from the steep south wall of the Madison River Canyon. Twenty-eight people camping in the area were killed as they were overtaken by this 21 million cubic meter mass. The landslide formed a barrier that completely blocked the gorge and the flow of the Madison River, and created a lake. [Photo and caption: USGS]
For about a year my research into plate tectonics and seismic phenomena stayed within the boundaries of earth science. In the fall of 1977, however, I had an experience in meditation that helped me connect the dots between the physical and spiritual dimensions of my fascination with our shifting Earth.
In my next post, I’ll share this experience and another dream that happened two weeks before my seismic re-awakening to plate tectonics -- a dream that foretold the connection to cooperative and coordinated ventures with spiritual space forces.
Original URL: http://tennesseehawk.typepad.com/hawks_peace_journal/2014/05/my-seismic-awakening-to-plate-tectonics.html
Connecting the interdimensional dots (4)
I recorded my first dreams about contacts with interdimensional spacecraft in 1973. In them I was usually just observing craft flying around. Later dreams included experiences of sound or of being lifted up by some kind of energy from the spacecraft. Finally, I began to have contacts with crew members while in the dream state.
Of course I also kept my eyes on the skies hoping to catch sight of these craft when I was awake. During a meditation in July of 1974, I had my first clairvoyant experience of one – a cigar-shaped, yellow and green craft with round windows along the side, hovering 50 to 100 feet above the valley in which I lived. As soon as what I saw registered consciously, I could no longer hold the image and it faded from physical sight. About a year later, I had my first physical sighting of what I believed to be interdimensional craft. [See the report I filed on this sighting at the NUFORC website.]
As I wrote in a previous post, I recently went through my journals to pull these experiences together so that I could write about them. I discovered that on September 12, 1976, just 13 days prior to my “plate tectonics” dream, I dreamed that I was being wired for connection with space beings and their craft. I understood the purpose to be for information exchange -- including a record of my experience during the contact -- when I made connections with them.
Once the wiring was complete, a technician ran a check to test the connections. In the dream state, I had mixed feelings about participating in this experiment. The energy being exchanged felt very powerful, so much so that I was a little afraid that I could be hurt by it. I was also uncomfortable being controlled by the device during the connection test. On the other hand, it seemed like a very exciting project to be part of.
Reflecting on the dream later I was able to correlate the experience with information I trusted from Mark-Age and their publication, Visitors from Other Planets (1974). I was left with a positive feeling of this dream experience as a whole.
In September 1977, the Carpenters released their version of Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft. [See the original version of Calling Occupants by Klaatu here; it was released in August 1976, just a month or so before I was "wired" for contact!] I loved that song. For me it spoke to the desires for further contacts with space brothers and sisters that had evolved through ongoing dreams, meditations and sightings. Still, for quite some time I considered this to be an interest that equalled but not necessarily intersected with my growing passion for earth science. The review of my journals reminded me that the dots were significantly connected in the fall of 1977.
During a meditation one evening, I felt a contact with spacecraft. In my inner vision, I saw myself in a room full of what looked like scientific equipment. A crewman showed me a monitoring device, kind of like a translucent version of a glass-bottomed boat's observation port, focused on Earth. I got the impression that his assignment related to seismic activity on Earth and working with those events to minimize impacts as much as possible. He indicated that it was difficult to know what effects an earthquake might have because Earth is a dynamic, interactive system.
I should note that what I was receiving involved both mental impressions (i.e. senses of what he was communicating) as well as visual representations. The words I used to describe it in my journal were my own words, which I tried to match as closely as possible to impressions I was receiving. At the time I was also aware that I was downloading much information from this space scientist that I could not consciously track or understand.
Many years later I came across a book, Theoretical Global Seismology, by F.A. Dahlen and Jeroen Tromp. I got goose-bumps when I read the first sentence in Chapter One: “After every major earthquake, the Earth rings like a large bell for several days.”
Whatever I had downloaded from the space scientist in 1977 seemed to have seismic resonance with these Earth scientists and their work in 1998.
The interdimensional dots became more like a bridge for me by December of 1977. On December 3rd I had a powerful vision in which new levels of partnership with nature forces came into focus. I was shown (symbolically) how I could work with Earth changes by serving as a conduit for transfer [later given to me as “translation”] of higher frequency energy into the planet’s geologic infrastructure.
In my next post, I’ll talk about the evolution of my experience in this process.
Growing into an Earth change network (5)
Ten years ago, on September 23, 2004, an earthquake swarm on Mt. St. Helens signaled the start of dome building and eruptions that would last until 2008. This USGS photo shows a plume within Mount St. Helens' crater on October 1, 2004 at 12:16 PDT. [Photo: John Pallister, USGS]
The decade from 1978 to 1988 marked a new level of experience for me, and growth into service within an interdimensional Earth change network. I began to receive clairaudient and clairsentient signals that served to shift my awareness toward incoming interdimensional energy transmissions, and to alert me to possible trouble spots on Earth itself. Dreams and meditations related to work with a network of interdimensional partners, and people on Earth who had a similar calling, continued. On many occasions I was able to correlate these experiences with evidence of earthquakes, eruptions, flooding or other natural events following within 24-48 hours of my inner alert system being activated.
In this post, I’ll share some of the key experiences that illustrate this process.
On December 3, 1977, I had a vision in meditation in which I felt a strong call to work with earth changes. In the vision, I am given a rod made of a metallic-like substance that is unknown to me. I see all manner of natural fury coming at me -- earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, extreme weather – but I find that I’m able to stay steady and grounded, implanting the end of the rod into the Earth and acting as a conduit for energy coming through it. I sensed that I was to use these images to work with earth changes.
But what kind of energy? What would be its source? How would I know when such participation on my part was required, and what precisely might that participation look like? Perhaps you can imagine that, at this point, I had more questions than answers!
Mt. St. Elias, which sits on the border between Alaska and the Yukon, is the second highest peak in both the US and Canada. This area has some significant seismic history. [NOAA Photo Library]
During a meditation on January 11,1978, I saw Earth in my inner vision as one might see it from space. The planet was shaking violently. I became aware of a gridwork of golden light triangles, surrounding Earth like a net. Each angle was occupied by someone connected with this energy net. As we collectively inhaled, we drew chaotic elemental energy in from the Earth, transmuted it through sound, then breathed it back into the planet. This action appeared to reduce the violent shaking to a more harmonious vibratory frequency. I understood that I was to use this imagery and action when working with Earth changes. I began to refer to this process in my journal as work in an Earth change network.
The first experience I had of a clairaudient "tone alert" was on February 27, 1979. I was a volunteer with the Allenspark Fire Protection District back then and, on that particular day, had a fire department Plectron in the house. At about 9:30 that morning I thought I heard it go off. I raced into the room where it sat so that I could hear instructions for responding, but the receiver was quiet and obviously hadn't gone off. An hour later I thought I heard it go off again. At that point I wondered if these might be psychic notifications of an impending emergency somewhere on Earth. I went into meditation and connected with the Earth change network as I’d been shown. Not having an idea where trouble might be, I just focused on general projections of peace to the planet, wherever they might be needed. The next day, February 28th, 1979 at 1:27 pm PDT, the 7.5 magnitude Mt. St. Elias earthquake occurred in Alaska. [See photo above.]
For the next few years these cosmic tone alerts became the primary signal for me to stop what I was doing and connect with the Earth change network. I should mention that these clairaudient experiences were so real that on one occasion I actually called the Regional Communications Center in Boulder to ask them to repeat the information, only to be assured that the fire department had not been alerted!
View looking west of Mount St. Helens' summit after several small explosive eruptions. The smaller of the two pit craters was formed first on March 27. Subsequent eruptions opened the farther crater. [Photo and caption: USGS]
My experiences during the 1980 to 1986 dome building and eruption cycle of Mt. St. Helens included similar alerts, especially in March and April of 1980, prior to the catastrophic eruption on May 18th of that year. On March 26th, I had two clairaudient alerts that I intuited to be connected with impending changes at Mt. St. Helens. The following day, March 27th, the volcano had its first eruption in over 100 years. Steam explosions opened a small crater in the summit ice cap and covered some of the snowfield with ash. [See USGS photo above.]
Toward the end of 1981, I began to experience intense heat – most often in muscles between my solar plexus and knees – in conjunction with the tone alerts. Often times this heat came with a prickling sensation or pressure around my crown chakra, and a strong desire to sit down and not move around much. I intuited these sensations as being related to an energy field of some kind. I used the shorthand phrase "getting zapped" in my journal entries to refer to this complex of symptoms.
I was able to correlate many of these experiences with earthquakes and other Earth changes. One of these happened on March 30, 1983. I became aware of tremendous heat around my solar plexus and thigh muscles, and felt a strong impulse to connect with the Earth change network. The following day, March 31, 1983, much of the old colonial section of Popayan, Colombia was destroyed in an earthquake.
By this time I had become aware of the basics of "hieronic space beams" -- higher plane electromagnetic energies transmitted from inter- dimensional spacecraft to assist transmutation of individuals and groups for our ongoing spiritual evolution on Earth. The experience in connection with Popayan moved me, the next day, to go back through the Mark-Age text Visitors From Other Planets and focus on entries related to hieronic energy in connection with Earth changes. It signalled yet another step for me, growing further into new dimensions of service in the work. Over the next few years, the tone alerts became less frequent, and the combination of heat, zaps and a desire to be still within these energy fields became my primary signals for work with Earth changes.
One of the buildings damaged in Popayan, Colombia during the 5.5 earthquake on March 31, 1983. [See this image and others at Health Library for Disasters (HeLiD)]
Of the eight physical sightings of interdimensional craft I've had, five of them happened during this period from 1978 to 1988. Dreams and meditations involving interdimensional craft or beings included more detailed representations of energy and information exchange. In a couple of dreams, for instance, I was given books of information (one had 'Earthquakes' in the title) which I understood in the dreams but could not decode consciously after I woke up. During a physical sighting in 1980, I felt that I was given information on the status of two overdue fishermen that the fire department had been called to help locate. (See my 2010 blog post on this experience or my report on it to the National UFO Reporting Center.)
As these experiences unfolded, I was aware that sometimes energy was to be focused on Earth's structure or elemental forces and beings, and at other times more on people near the zones of concern. And sometimes it was both. In any case, a common denominator seemed to be a sense of chaos, incoherence, disharmony or dis-integration in the situation or population I was connecting with.
One of the people-focused experiences was especially unsettling and close to home.
On November 15, 1987, around 1:40 MDT I was at home in Allenspark, Colorado watching TV. I suddenly became very sleepy and began drifting in and out of conscious awareness -- getting zapped -- as often happened with strong energy influxes. By 2:06 I felt a little more awake and grounded. Around 2:10 pm the phone rang and I sensed some urgency to answer it, though it took much effort just to get to the phone. The caller was a guy with the weather service at Denver's Stapleton airport. At the time I was a volunteer observer for the National Weather Service, and the guy wanted to know how much snow we'd had and what current conditions were in the Allenspark area, some 80-90 miles northwest of Stapleton. I gave him the information and returned to my chair, a little more awake as a result of the call.
Several minutes later I heard a breaking news report that there was a jet down at Stapleton. At a little after 2:15 pm, about five minutes after my contact with the weather service at the airport, Continental Flight 1713 over-rotated and flipped over during takeoff in snowy conditions, killing 28 of the 77 people on board. The NTSB determined that the probable cause of the accident was failure to de-ice the plane a second time following a long delay awaiting clearance for takeoff.
I noted in my journal how connecting with this accident in real-time and virtual space impacted me. In particular I felt energetically bound to everybody on the plane and those on the ground who had to deal with the crash. This was not the first or last time my work with Earth changes brought me into the heart of human trauma and suffering.
In my next post I'll pick up this thread and other meta-ideas that crystallized during the process of growing into an Earth change network.
Some thoughts on plate tectonics, hieronics and the evolution of science on Earth (6)
In this post, I want to talk about my explorations of both plate tectonics and hieronics in relation to the nature of science as a field, and how a scientific idea comes to be accepted or rejected.
As I mentioned in a previous post, my inspiration to learn more about plate tectonics came at a time when the theory of continental drift was still new and earth sciences were in a state of -- according to geophysicist Allan Cox -- "intellectual ferment”. For geologists, accepting the idea of continental drift had required a major deconstruction of older ideas about the Earth and subsequent reconstruction of earth science.
A few years ago I happened upon the work of Naomi Oreskes, a science historian who wrote The Rejection of Continental Drift. Her ideas have been especially helpful as I explore the well-anchored science of plate tectonics, and the emerging science of hieronics.
Historian of science and science studies scholar Naomi Oreskes, during a presentation at the 2008 History of Science Society meeting [Photo credit: Ragesoss]
In her book, Oreskes traces the evolution of the theory of continental drift, its acceptance by some scientists -- especially in Europe -- and its initial vigorous dismissal by a large number of American scientists:
The thesis of this book is that American earth scientists rejected the theory of continental drift not because there was no evidence to support it (there was ample), nor because the scientists who supported it were cranks (they were not), but because the theory, as widely interpreted, violated deeply held methodological beliefs and valued forms of scientific practice.
Her conclusion, says Oreskes, is that "science is not about belief; it is about how belief gets formulated":
At any given moment, only a finite set of knowledge satisfies the reigning criteria for the formulation of scientific belief, and only this knowledge is eligible as truth. But the discriminating criteria are historically contingent; over time and across communities, they shift, they evolve, they are overthrown, they transmute. The changing criteria for the formulation of belief provide the pathways through which cultural context delimits the boundaries of scientific knowledge.
I like Oreskes’ thoughts here because they resonate with my personal process of discovery with both plate tectonics and hieronics. I’ll share more about this in my final post for this series.
In closing this post, I’d like to share some videos, one that illustrate the current thinking about plate tectonics, and talks by Naomi Oreskes and Rupert Sheldrake that bring up interesting questions about scientific beliefs and how they get formulated.
First, a brief summary of current thinking about plate tectonics:
In the next video, Naomi Oreskes presents some important ideas about the nature of scientific knowledge, how false theories can make true predictions, the problem of auxiliary hypotheses that may be based on false assumptions, and consensus as authority in science:
And finally, here's The Science Delusion, the banned TED Talk presented by Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, who writes in Science Set Free (originally published in the UK as The Science Delusion) that dogmatic ideology, fear-based conformity and institutional inertia are inhibiting scientific creativity. (Kindle edition, p.4)
Response to Sheldrake's ideas have parallels to what early continental drift theorists encountered. For me, what Sheldrake addresses in the video and in Science Set Free lends greater insight into the evolution of scientific theories of continental drift and plate tectonics. His work also informs my exploration of hieronics and suggests, I think, some of the changes that would have to happen for it to become integrated into the whole of science on Earth as plate tectonics has.
Interdimensional Intersections (7)
The most pervasive notion in human history and prehistory (namely, the existence of some sort of spiritual dimension) was simply pronounced, with the thundering authority of science, put with a zeal that was inversely proportional to its believability, to be a massive collective hallucination. -- Ken Wilber, Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy (p. 55). Shambhala Publications. Kindle Edition.
This swirling landscape of stars is known as the North America nebula. In visible light, the region resembles North America, but in this new infrared view from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, the continent disappears. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
I spent some time after my last post reading Rupert Sheldrake's Science Set Free. This book helped me sort out my thoughts about the mechanistic worldviews that still permeate science and medicine. That reading moved me to a deeper exploration of Ken Wilber's Integral Psychology, and Spiral Dynamics by Don Beck and Christopher Cowan. And this past week, I immersed myself in the Subtle Activism Summit, a teleconference element of the Shift Network's Summer of Peace Program for 2015. This is the ground from which I launch this final post on plate tectonics, Earth changes, and the connections I've experienced with interdimensional partners for the spiritual evolution of Earth.
I've been interested in science since childhood. Looking back, I see more clearly how the mechanistic model of science became a foundation for making meaning of my life experiences. Nothing has challenged those assumptions more than the eight manifestations -- perceived through physical senses -- of what I understand to have been interdimensional spacecraft.
As I experienced other forms of contact with subtle energy fields such as hieronics, I discovered how these physical sightings served my ongoing development. Sometimes I had no way to make sense of some experience, and had to just stay with the wondering. I encountered strong taboos within science and society against discussing or exploring "the existence of some sort of spiritual dimension" (as Wilber puts it in the quote at the top of this post). Whatever the resistance, the difficulty, the uncertainty, the memory and impact of those sightings kept me in the hunt for the truth about them.
I was fortunate to have connections with colleagues and even family members who experienced subtle energy fields and actively explored their spiritual dimensions of life. Still, many of us at times felt isolated, alone with our discoveries, in the larger community of Earth life.
Image of Mars from Viking Orbiter, June 8, 1998 (NASA/JPL/USGS)
Not so much any more. It's fairly easy to find scientists now who can push the boundaries of their disciplines because they have a more holistic, integral vision. The Subtle Activism Summit this week, with one day focused on the science of unseen energy fields, drew thousands of participants from around the world. Clearly, the taboos still exist, but now we have a growing, virtually-connected global community of citizens and scientists who reject mechanistic science, and its claim that our experiences of a spiritual dimension represent a "massive collective hallucination".
In the process of writing this series of posts, I sensed that a review of my experiences around Earth changes and interdimensional space connections was necessary because opportunities for deeper exploration and service were coming soon.
A couple of posts this summer at Motah Chronicles seemed to resonate with this idea: New Matrix of Cooperation, and Link with Monitoring Spacecraft. In those posts, the blog’s author describes experiences that point toward possibilities for an acceleration or expansion of co-creative connection, cooperation, coordination with interdimensional partners such as our space brothers and sisters.
I also see recent developments in the emerging field of subtle activism as synchronous. Subtle activism involves spiritual or consciousness-based practices intended for collective transformation. Not only was there a teleconference last week that brought together some of the leading scientists, authors and teachers in this field, but the first textbook, Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation by David Nicol, was released by SUNY Press.
As I listened in to the conference (and now that I’m reading this book) I can’t help but see the connections to the work I describe in my series of posts, and to understand it, in a larger sense, as evidence of a giant step forward for collective transformation.
Loops of highly charged particles burst from an active region on the Sun’s surface in this image, taken on December 4, 2006. Among the first images taken by STEREO’s SECCHI/Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope, the image shows the Sun’s roiling surface and atmosphere at temperatures around one million Kelvin (1.8 million degrees Fahrenheit). The ultraviolet light in this range is not typically visible to the human eye, so it is represented here in blue. NASA image courtesy of NASA’s STEREO mission.
As I conclude this series, I'm inspired to share whatever develops from here on another blog, Interdimensional Intersections. Originally I called that blog 206-Million Years on Earth, and focused on the spiritual evolution of man on Earth and in this solar system. If you already subscribe to it, the URL will remain the same. If you are on Facebook, you can check out my Interdimensional Intersections page. I'll be sharing what I sense is coming into or going out of view in The Great Nest of Being there as well.
Some of my favorite links, resources on all of this:
Motah Chronicles: Motah (pronounced distinctly Mo-tah) is an interdimensional code name for a segment of the solar system government’s information sources. This blog chronicles the spiritual diary, channelings and commentary of Phillel, Coexecutive Director of Mark-Age.
Healing Haven Under Hilarion: Blog of Robert H. Knapp, MD, Coexecutive Director of Mark-Age and Director of Healing Haven, which researches, teaches and demonstrates the best of all tested and proven methods, orthodox and unorthodox, for healing mind, body and soul.
Institute of Noetic Sciences: Founded in 1973 by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, IONS™ conducts, sponsors, and collaborates on leading-edge research into the potentials and powers of consciousness, exploring phenomena that do not necessarily fit conventional scientific models while maintaining a commitment to scientific rigor.
Dean Radin, PhD, is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and Volunteer Faculty in the Department of Psychology at Sonoma State University. You can read excerpts of his books at his website.
Global Coherence Initiative: The Global Coherence Initiative is an international effort that seeks to help activate the heart of humanity and promote peace, harmony and a shift in global consciousness. GCI conducts groundbreaking research on the interconnection between humanity and Earth’s magnetic fields and energetic systems.
Dr. Ervin Laszlo is generally recognized as the founder of systems philosophy and general evolution theory. His work in recent years has centered on the formulation and development of the “Akasha Paradigm,” the new conception of cosmos, life and consciousness emerging at the forefront of the contemporary sciences.
David Spangler/Lorian Association: The Lorian Association works to empower an exploration of new Gaian-centered models of relationship that can lead to wholeness through an incarnated spirituality. Their vision is to advance the experience of the Sacred in the world and in ourselves.
David Nicol/Gaiafield: The Gaiafield Project develops “subtle activism” practices, theories, and programs and works with like-minded groups to co-create local, national, and global networks of subtle activists to support a shift to a planetary culture of peace.