Mars near opposition in 2003. [Photo credit: HubbleSite Picture Album]
This morning I found this gorgeous image of Mars on my HubbleSite widget. When Mars is "in opposition" it means that Earth is positioned between Mars and the Sun. You might also have heard the term "opposition" in terms of elongation, which is the angular distance between two points in the sky as measured or seen from a third point. At opposition, a planet's elongation is 180 degrees. So in this case (as I understand it) the angular distance between Mars and the Sun from the perspective of Earth -- at the time this image was captured by Hubble in 2003 -- was near 180 degrees.
The Hubble Site Picture Album has a series of photos of Mars near opposition between 1995 and 2005 -- and a lot of other cool images as well. I especially like to browse the galaxies and nebulae collections.
Now...what about the human heart scope on Mars? I don't know about your heart-view, but I love Mars and Martians! If my intuitive, soul and heart-sourced information is correct, I've had at least one lifetime on Mars. My sense is that my love for exploration of the physical and earth sciences reflects to some extent my experiences on Mars where physical sciences are kind of a specialty.
There was much excitement around the holler lately when my neighbor and spiritual brother Phillel relayed channeled information from a Martian space brother named Krator. You can read these communications at Motah Chronicles. In particular, check out the post entitled Martian Algorithms.
You can also read Phillel's free e-book: Landing Light: A Primer for Space Contact, which covers such topics as covers Operation Landing Light, mass landings, prophecies, space beams, and close encounters. Most importantly, the book describes spiritual space program through which "Earth is being transformed via landing of divine light in man's consciousness, with the aid of space visitors of the Federation of Planets."
Yay! Keep your eyes and heart on Mars! Welcome all visitors from other planets! We truly are all in this awesome solar system together!