Here's a NASA image of Super Typhoon Bopha -- or, "Pablo", as people in the Philippines are calling it:
This still image of Super Typhoon Bopha was taken by Expedition 34
Commander Kevin Ford on Sunday, Dec. 2 from the International Space
Station, as the storm bore down on the Philippines with winds of 135
miles per hour. Parts of the orbital outpost are seen in the
picture -- the Permanent Multipurpose Module on the left, and
Mini-Research Module 1 on the right. Image and caption credit: NASA
Also check out this 3-D analyzation of Bopha provided by NASA's TRMM satellite, and related article linked below.
Some of the hashtags being used on Twitter are #Pablo, #PabloPH, #Bopha, and #Philippines. I found many good informational links being shared there, as well as wishes from people around the world for the well-being of survivors.
Please visit for more information from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. They also have some photos of the damage from Bopha on their Flickr photostream.
And please don't forget people here in the United States impacted by Sandy. Here are some recent links:
Hurricane Warning Definition Modified by NHC in Wake of Sandy
Sandy Clean-up Could Lead to Illness , Litigation for Workers
Hurricane Sandy in the Age of Disposability and Neoliberal Terrorism (Henry A Giroux)