It's true that regulation costs money, and some short-sighted business leaders seem to have a reflex that causes them to oppose regulation whenever it is proposed. On the other hand, it's also true that lawlessness and an absence of rules can be quite expensive. Although many of the costs of regulation are borne by individual businesses and their customers, the rest of us pay the costs of non-regulation. Blanket opposition to all regulation is not the approach taken by most businesses, but when coupled with the anti-tax and anti-government ideology of the Republican party, anti-regulation creates a powerful and dangerous political dynamic. Maintaining leadership in the modern global economy requires skill, political will, strategy and resources. We need basic research, an educated population, infrastructure, consumers willing to invest in long-term purchases, and businesses that produce and compete without destroying the planet. A growing and sustainable economy requires an aggressive and strategic partnership between government and the private sector.
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