Excellent article by Sue Sturgis (Facing South) published on Truthout yesterday. She has many links to supporting material in the post. The full article is well worth reading...here's an excerpt:
Today, environmental and public-interest advocacy groups filed 19 legal challenges that ask the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to put the brakes on reactor licensing until it fully incorporates into its regulatory process the lessons learned from Fukushima.
The contentions filed with the NRC address reactors at nuclear facilities nationwide, including 11 plants in the South: the Tennessee Valley Authority's Watts Bar plant in Rhea County, Tenn. and its Bellefonte plant in Hollywood, Ala.; SCE&G's Summer plant near Jenkinsville, S.C.; NRG's South Texas plant near Bay City; Luminant's Comanche Peak plant southwest of Dallas; Southern Co./Georgia Power's Vogtle plant in Burke County, Ga.; FP&L's Turkey Point plant south of Miami; Progress Energy's Levy County plant in Florida and its Shearon Harris plant in Wake County, N.C.; Dominion's North Anna plant in Louisa County, Va.; and Duke Energy's Lee plant in Cherokee County, S.C.