Randy Ellis and other Swan Pond community residents are still waiting to find out what fell from the sky last Friday and coated their neighborhood.
Ellis and others met on Monday with officials from TVA, TDEC and EPA. Ellis, a member of the Roane County Advisory Group, said he asked TVA what the material was and what health effects it might have if people inhaled or ingested it, or got it on their skin. They told him that they did not know, but that it is being tested at a lab.
When Ellis asked why TVA hasn't offered to relocate people until they figure out what it is and what health risk it poses, he was told that none of the residents had asked to be relocated.
"I am so tired of the TVA's attitude when it comes to the health concerns of the Swan Pond Community," said Ellis. "TVA has stuff falling from the sky that they don't know what it is or what it can do to you...why the hell is TVA not looking out for the health of the people?"
Ellis requested that TVA relocate anyone affected by the fallout. He also asked that they offer car washes and power washes for homes and porches.
"As everyone can see from the pictures, whatever this is coated stuff very well," said Ellis, "and the latest rain from yesterday did not even wash it away."
Ellis recommends that everyone affected by the fallout on Friday call Katie Kline at TVA and request temporary relocation until the material is identified and health risks are known.
Residents are still working with Senator Yager's office to revoke the Air Pollution Control Board's variance for TVA test burns.
If you live in Roane County and were affected by the fallout, please protect yourself and your family!
If you have not yet asked Commissioner Fyke or Governor Bredesen to help pull this variance, please call or drop them an email!
Here is the contact information for TVA, TDEC and the Governor's office:
Katie Kline at TVA: 865-717-1668
TDEC Commissioner James Fyke: 615-532-0109; [email protected]
Governor Bredesen: 615-741-2001; [email protected]